User Guidance for Earnings

Introduction of Earnings

Earnings provides Flexible and Fixed earnings, Structured Earnings Products for HTX users, by depositing specific crypto currency and get profits in fixed terms and annual percentage yields (APY).

  1. Login

Please click “Sign Up” via and register HTX account with Email or Mobile phone.

1.1 Register with Mobile phone

To input your mobile phone number and set up password. After confirming password, click “Sign up”. The system will send SMS verification code to applied mobile phone number. Enter the SMS verification code and click “Confirm” to complete the registration.

1.2 Register with Email

To input your email and set up password. After confirming password, click “Sign up”. The system will send email verification code to applied email. Enter the email verification code and click “Confirm” to complete the registration.

  1. Identification

To click “Identification” to start ID verification.

To input required information and click “Verify”. The verification will be completed in 24h.



  1. Subscription


To find “Earnings” in Finance. All the products are open to you.

To click “Subscribe” to subscribe the products -Featured, Flexible and Fixed earnings. Featured earnings offers only in specific time with limited supplies, which is selected from Flexible and Fixed earnings.


3.1 Subscription of Flexible earnings

To click “Subscribe” to the product and input amount. Please click the consent box “I have read, understand and agree to the HTX Earnings User Service Agreement” and click “Subscribe”. The subscription will be successfully completed.



More, you can choose “Auto Transfer”, which the system will deposit your available balance to subscribed product at 18:00(GMT+8)each day.


3.2 Subscription of Fixed earnings

To click “Subscribe” to the product, choose the term and input amount. Please click the consent box “I have read, understand and agree to the HTX Earnings User Service Agreement” and click “Subscribe”. The subscription will be successfully completed.




More, you can choose “Auto Transfer to Flexible Earnings” which principal and interest will be transferred to Flexible Earnings account upon the maturity.

  1. Review the Account

To click “Account” to review the account information (You can also select “Earnings Accounts” from the dropdown list of “Balance” on the top). The page shows the balance, accumulative interests and yesterday’s interests, as well as subscribed products of Fixed and Flexible earnings. More, you can easily switch the function of “Auto Transfer” and “Auto Transfer to Flexible Earnings”, and redeem Flexible Earnings.



  1. Review the Order

To click “Orders” to review the orders information (You can also select “Earnings Orders” from the dropdown list of “Orders” on the top). The page shows the records of subscription, redemption and Interests.



  1. Redemption

6.1 Redemption of Flexible Earning

To click “Account” and Flexible Earnings. To click “Redeem” to redeemed Flexible Earnings product. To click the consent box “I have read, understand and agree to the HTX Earnings User Service Agreement” and click “Redeem”. It will be transferred to exchange assets account.

P.S. Please noted that the system is under clearance and maintenance at 00:00:00 – 01:00:00(GMT+8)each day and is not allowed to redeem.



6.2 Redemption of Fixed Earning

Upon the maturity, the principal and interest will be transferred to exchange assets account. If you selected “Auto Transfer to Flexible Earnings”, the principal and interest will be transferred to Flexible Earnings product.

If any questions, please contact us by clicking “Help” and leaving a message/ live chat.